2:53 AM
Nan's 100th Birthday (Day)
Well today is Nan's 100th birthday. What an exciting day for her to be turning 100....
After breakfast there was a knock at the door, and wasn't sure who it was, however Linda thought it might be the postman delivering a telegram from the Queen. We were all running around for our cameras as we didn't think that that he would be that
Well,there it was sitting there on the mantlepiece and we were
trying to decide whether to open it straightaway or wait until we were at the party. We eventually decided to take it with us in the evening alonger with another telegram that had come from Wales. We dubbed this the mystery telegram as we weren't sure where it had come from.

Next on the agenda was mum and I getting our hair done. We caught the bus to the hairdresser's at Harrow. It only took about 5 mins on the bus, but mum couldn't remember where it was so we ended up ringing Linda to find out. I thought my sense of direction was bad but my mum's is even worse.... anyway eventually found it - it only took about half an hour which wasn't too bad. We got home about 12.00.
Next on the agenda was mum and I getting our hair done. We caught the bus to the hairdresser's at Harrow. It only took about 5 mins on the bus, but mum couldn't remember where it was so we ended up ringing Linda to find out. I thought my sense of direction was bad but my mum's is even worse.... anyway eventually found it - it only took about half an hour which wasn't too bad. We got home about 12.00.
The rest of the day was very busy with friends calling in with gifts and
phonecalls wishing happy birthday and flowers arriving, at the moment the house is chockers with
cards and flowers and gifts. A good friend called in with a gift for Nan which was quite funny a mug in a tin with a tortoise on it saying older, wiser and slower.....
Before we knew it was time to get ready. Linda Roy left earlier to set the projector up and other bits and pieces.
We were all ready on time, Braedon looked pretty cool in his shirt and trousers. I gave Nan her present which was a necklace to wear that evening. She really liked it which was good, as it was so hard to figure out what
to get her for her birthday. I had called a cab which was coming about 5.00pm. We got away on time, it was pouring rain..