Day 2 - A Day at Lego Land
One thing about travelling to the UK this time of year is that most things will shut down for the winter. This was the case with Legoland which shuts down from the 1st November 2008. So yesterday was the only day we would have had the opportunity to visit. It was school holidays, halloween and a special fireworks display so this was probably the busiest day of the year.
After purchasing a oyster card OytserCard which is probably the most economical way of travelling around London we left Northolt station and caught a train to North Acton, then to Ealing Broadway, and then to Slough. From Slough we caught a bus to Wndsor - so it was a lot of changing from different lines however overall it's not very far. About an hour all up.
We arrived at Windsor station which had change a lot since last time we were there, so many different shops - so it's actually a great place to shop. I'm thinking of going back just to visit the shops. After a quick coffee at Cafe Rouge we then caught the bus to Lego Land which was only about another 5 mins away.
Halloween Lego
Legoland is a great place for kids as there is so many interactive type activities for them to get involved in. Lots of opportunity to use the logo and build stuff, lots of rides, place to eat, 3d movies and shops of course to buy lego. Funnily enough I didnt buy any Lego but bought Braedon a pirate costume. I think the highlight was the mini lego land which just goes on and on, there is so much to see. I took lots of different shots of this area as I was so fascinated with it all - so much detail and colour.
Yes all these models are made of Lego...
Braedon was more interested in the rides but with half an hour wait for each I was not all that encouraging and tried to distract him - we did go on a couple of little ones - lots of water rides so it would be a great place to visit with the warmer weather. Speaking of weather I couldn't get over how cold it was.... with 4 layers of clothes, gloves, scarf etc I was still cold, especially my legs - I think I should have packed my hubbies long johns....
A tunnel of underground catacombs with egyption mummies lego egyption models and a jungle where kids have to find the 7 keys. All different colours
The highlight of the day would have to have been the fireworks display to the music of Star Wars. Most of the kids had light sabres which were all different colours and the affects was a wonderful display of bright colours in the evening sky
After the fireworks we decided to call it a night as we had to take the same journey back as we did to travel to Windsor and we new it would take about an hour and half. Bus from Legoland to Windsor station, train from Windsor to Slough, train from Slough to Ealing Broadway, train to North Acton and then a train to Northolt. Each train we got on Braedon fell asleep on so I was forever waking him up to change trains. He took it in his stride. We were freezing by the time we got back to Linda's, it was so cold..... I'm sure it's frostbight on my face.
Egyption Lego models