2:21 AM
Day 7 - Preparing for Nan's Birthday

Some photos we have found ...
Grandmother aged 18

A photo of my grandmother when
she was about 4 years old. Taken in 1912.
I'm also going to take some photos today of simple little things that Braedon has noticed are different here:
The daily mail comes through a slot in the door and is delivered by the postman on foot. Even in winter the postmans trudges throught the snow.

The phone boxes are red instead of clear glass.
Or the milk, which is delivered by the milk man is in glass bottles.
Other things that BT has noticed are the buses and taxis which also are completely different to what we have.

The Post boxes are also different shape. Same colour.....
The house is never cold even though it is cold outside, the central heating adjusts itself all day and the house is always comfortable. So I am never cold... Braedon has got too hot in his flannelette pj's at night and doesn't want to wear them. So he is just wearing a little top to bed.
Day 7 pm (Afternoon)
This afternoon we took Braedon for a walk even though it was drizzling rain. We went through the same park we visited on our first day. I found out that the park is called Islip Manor Park
We took small nuts with us this time to feed the squirrels. Braedon fed quite a few this time, unfortunately there was a big dog chasing them around the park so it somewhat scared them off a little.
Braedon found some holly on the ground which he picked up, he soon realised it was quite prickly...There were quite a lot of holly trees around some had lots of holly and some had none at all.
PS BT slept into until 6.15 today - Yahoo! I got a good night sleep - I think we are over the trip. Took only a week.......and he is still awake tonight and it's 8.00pm.