10:21 PM
Day 5 - Awake at 4.00
Well awake again early today (4.00am) Braedon will have to go to bed later so we can sleep in until atleast 6.00am. Braedon is bored and wants breakfast however I'm trying to hold off for another half an hour.. We stayed in bed for an hour until 5.00am and then I got my laptop set up to update my blog - Day 4.
I gave in about 6.00am just in time for ricky getting up for breakfast to go to work. We both had breakfast and I made a extral large coffee to help me wake up.
I think Braedon woke mum up at about 6.30am to a early rise for her to. We chatted to Ian, Aimee and Kody on the MSN and a bit of webcam with them all.
The rest of the morning was spent trying to choose some music for Saturday night's party, not much to choose from here.
I gave in about 6.00am just in time for ricky getting up for breakfast to go to work. We both had breakfast and I made a extral large coffee to help me wake up.
I think Braedon woke mum up at about 6.30am to a early rise for her to. We chatted to Ian, Aimee and Kody on the MSN and a bit of webcam with them all.
The rest of the morning was spent trying to choose some music for Saturday night's party, not much to choose from here.
After lunch we left for Sherpherds Bush shopping centre which just opened last week
Well I wasnt sure what to expect, they did say it was big, however wasn't expecting it to be the biggest shopping centre I have ever scene. Very BIG is all I can say....
Gorgeous shops and the shops are huge also as in extremely high glass frontages - not like your normal shopping centre. All the windows were decorated with such style. I find the clothes here completely different from Australia. So much variety to choose from.

There is a lot of controversy about the shopping centre, the pics will give you and idea of the size. At 1.6Billion.
We walked around for about 3 hours - Braedon again getting tired and absolutely hates shopping so he wasn't too bad. He did say his legs were very tired and I said "are they?" and he said "Yes, two of them" It one of those funny things kids come out with.
We stopped for coffee and then tried to find our way out. By the time we returned to our starting point it was raining outside so we did get a bit wet on the way home.
We got home about 6.00 and had nice dinner. I had bought some sushi as mum had never tried it so I got everyone to have a taste - gave everyone some Wasabi - mum was the only one that liked the wasabi.
Tried to keep Braedon up as long as I could but he wanted a pillow and blanket about 7.00 pm. I kept disturbing him for half an hour and gave up he was out like a light. I stayed up until 9.00pm. Can't believe I'm watching Coronation Street.