1:04 PM
Day 15 - Wales Sites
Our first day in Wales we went down to breakfast at about 8.00 am. After we breakfast we went out to walk along the esplanade. I took some photos and Braedon wanted to collect shells and go for a swim. Hmm not likely too cold. It’s about 7 degrees here during the day
Linda and Nan went to see Roy’s mum who hasn’t been well (96) and mum, Braedon and I went to have a look at the old Welsh Museum, there was quite a lot of interesting things to look at. The museum is the old. It used to be an old theatre an
Next stop was lunch at a little cafe. We all had a hot chocolate and something light to eat.
From here we walked the Arts Centre at Aber University. There was not a great deal there , not as much as we thought and it was pouring rain when we left. We caught the bus and headed back to the hotel. We had a bit of a rest before we headed outo t get some dinner.
We went to the Kings Hotel, Prior to the pub it used to be a hall where the youngs one hung out. It had a gaming arcade and a dance floor upstairs. Prior to this it used to be a Hotel called the Waterloo. The Waterloo hotel burnt down in 1933, My Nan’s mum used to work there and a few days after it burnt down she went back there and found some chunks of glass which was part of the glass ball room floor. This glass has since been donated to the museum... pictured above..... we didn’t see it on display however, this link has some interesting history about the history. I Know my mum sent me a good photo of it actually burning so will have to find it...