12:41 PM
Day 8 - Madame Tussauds

We had planned to visit Madame Tussauds last time were in London, however the queues were so long we decided not to as we would have been waiting ages, and me I do not like waiting...
We caught a train from Northolt to Bond St, changed to the Circle Line and caught a train to Baker St which is the closest station to Madam Tussauds. We alighted at Baker street station which is a huge station and has four underground lines crossing through it. Three escalators from the most bottom platform underground to the top.
Three very long escalators.
There were a few touristy souvenier shops, one called the Baker St Emporium which had all sorts of wonderful things. I made a few purchases here in the way of little gifts to take back home and Braedon wanted to buy a rubber octopus for about a 1.50. As we continued up Baker St we stopped and had a quick chat with Alfred Hitchcock .
I think Braedon looks so at home strolling around
London, he is far to brave for his own good. He does not want to hold hands anywhere "Mr Independent"...
From here it was straight to the wax works. There was no waiting which was great, it took as about 5 mins to get in. I bought a guide book on entry and Braedon a packet of smarties and we made our way to the first display of famous movie stars. Indiana Jones, The Incredible Hulk, Sherrey Bassey, Michael Cain, and all the old western stars like John Wayne and James Dean. They looked so real and life like, excellent detail and Braedon kept touching them to feel if they were real. He was actually quite happy to have his photo taken with some of them....
The next part of the Musuem was supposed to be the scary part... well read on...Madame Tussauds’ legendary Chamber Of Horrors is supposed to be quite the "hair ‘n’ hell-raising" attraction. Set deep within the confines of the Chamber, and brought to life by actors dressed in horror c
ostumes dripping blood and gooze. These snarling and moaning deranged serial prisoners seem to be roaming around waiting to pounce. (Although not allowed to touch you). Some of hanging from the rafters and swing lifelessly or you think they are until they come alive. Well... was I scared, no not really. So there you go (I don't scare easily).

I better add that Braedon and Mum went down the easier side and then boarded a wonderful attraction called the London ?- a ride on a little train that seem to go into a magical place full of colour and life... It depicted London's history - some of the bad and some of the good....
Our last stop was the shop. Bought a few little trinkets. We thought we we get something to eat at London Bridge as our next stop was the London Dungeons. I wasn't sure what it would be like for Braedon but thought we would check it out and then decide. We caught a train from Baker st taking the Jubilee line to London Bridge.
London experience. to be cont....
After the London experience we were really hungry. We found a little Italian type bistro called Guiseppe's Italion and had a quick bite to eat. Braedon of course ate chips. Braedon took this photo...
After a c
omplimentary liquer called Lemonchello we left the restaurant and walked back up towards the bridge to Southwark Cathedral, mum and I thought we would just take a quick look. The Cathedral lies on the South Bank of the River Thames close to London Bridge on a site occupied by a Church for over one thousand years. The main structure of the church was built between 1220 and 1420. We sat down for a few minutes as the organ was playing. The next think we knew the children's choir were walking down the aisle in their white robes. I thought I would just try and subtley capture some of the gorgoues sound on my phone video (Now that I know how to use it....) Doesn't sound to bad!

A took a couple of photos practicing with the light that was available and without the flash and also with the flash. This pic not to bad....
A took a couple of photos practicing with the light that was available and without the flash and also with the flash. This pic not to bad....