5:06 AM
Day 19 - Time to head back to London
This morning Braedon did not want to wake up - he had had another nose bleed during the night however not as bad as the other night.
When he did wake up he wanted a drink of water and next thing I new he was sick - lucky not in the bed but on himself - I grabbed a towel until he had settled down and put him in the shower. He didn't look to good - and we were wondering whether he would be up to travelling home to London.
We took him down to breakfast even though he didn't want to eat he had a small bite of toast and thats about it. I took him back up to the room and he slept until 10.30. When he woke up he felt much better. We were all packed ready to go so we checked out and headed to the station.

At train was due at 12.05.... the trip back was quite good much better than on the way down. We changed at Wolverhampton to Burmingham and then to Euston station.