12:55 PM
Day 18 - Dinner at Annettes
Today we were going up to Annette's for dinner at about 12.00. We had a bit of a sleep in and went up about 11.00am. We all went for a walk first along the prom - Braedon tok this photo he is getting quite handy with the camera and often takes photos. I took a few photos of the piers - little pier which was now half under water and where Braedon and I had walked the day before while the tide was low. The tide was in now and it was interesting to show Braedon where we had walked when the tide was low.
We then we took Nan up in a taxi while Linda went and saw Roy's mum for a little while.
It was very cold outside and raining and so we were all quite happy to stay indoors. The kids had a great time playing again.