11:30 PM

Day 21 - Warwick Castle

We arrived at Bowness at about 4.00 pm and started looking for a B&B, There were a lot of ‘ no vacancies’ signs, but also plenty to choose from that were available. 

We picked one that was called Rose Villa, which was a lovely old stone B&B – walls made of slate. We booked in here for three nights, unpacked the car and all our bags, and then went for a quick walk into town. There was a fair in town but it was shut tonight, Braedon was disappointed but it looked like it might be open the next night. We were told by the owner of the B & B that that pub served excellent meals so we gave this a go, and rightly so the meals were huge. We called it a night at about 8.30.

After a good night's sleep and another hearty cooked breakfast, including the egg Braedon, had collected the afternoon before we set off up the hill to Warwick Castle. 

Along the way, we checked out the graveyard of the local church. Not that we knew anyone buried there but just the history on some of the headstones was fascinating. Some of those buried there were born in the early 1700s and further back. After a few photos, we set off to the castle and walked to the gate and entrance, making it there for opening time at 10 a.m. A short wait in the cue entertained by one of the staff in period costume extolling the not-to-miss events of the day saw us gaining entry to the castle.

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